This is a one woman show!  I have developed the formulas, run the experiments, tested the products, researched the ingredients, and searched for the proper packaging.

I make everything by hand in my kitchen (with my four rescue dogs and two rescue cats watching me, hoping I’m making something yummy for them), package, label and ship everything myself.

A brief summary: I was a massage therapist for ten years until I came down with a mild case of cancer, which rendered my body unable to continue, so I had to switch gears. Because I believe that all the chemicals we ingest in our daily lives is one reason we get cancer, I wanted to find a way to make products that were more natural and affordable. It took a lot of time, money, and frustration, but I was able to figure out how to do just that, and I am still learning new things every day! As an environmentalist, I refuse to be part of the problem of adding to our plastic waste issues and further damaging the world we live on.

My first business, Fox Petal Potions, was successful but completely exhausting and I needed to step back and regroup. Now I make far fewer products and scaled down the ingredients because having to have so many was very expensive and space-consuming. I also had to stop trying to figure out how to solve everyone’s problems, so now I just share how I solved them, like using a jar and pump lid for your lotions and offering refills in biodegradable cups.

I also believe in transparency, so although professional photos look better, I want to show you the truth of what I make—I’m not going to manipulate you into thinking something is bigger and better than it is. I don’t make what I don’t use myself.

Any questions? Feel free to drop me a line after you’ve checked out the FAQs page.
